You can't miss Holli's welcoming smile and accommodating nature upon arrival at the office. Punctual, insightful, and positive, Holli provides concierge-like service when addressing and redirecting clients' calls and requests. With the utmost organization and communication skills, Holli oversees the team's contact system and calendar; happily scheduling in-person or virtual appointments, as well as conference calls.
Holli strategically implements systems to ensure the daily operations of Anchor Financial are seamless. She is readily available to assist clients' endeavors regarding document identification, digital workflow, and administration.
Holli received a Magna cum laude Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Business, Management, and Marketing from Rutgers Business School. For 11 years, Holli worked as the Director of Operations for Action Uniform, where she opened four locations within 6 years. Before this, Holli acted as Director of Marketing for This & That Uniforms.
Holli enjoys spending time with her friends, three dogs, and her very large family. She loves to hike, travel, and be out on her boat. Holli also works with the sponsored donation program for St. Jude’s, which is a near and dear charity to her.
Raymond James is not affiliated with the above organizations and/or charitable causes.