Our philosophy is very simple at the core: To help our clients pursue their clearly defined goals based on their current situation, feelings, future, and family dynamics while enabling them to concentrate time and energy on the things that matter most to them.

With a clear understanding of the issues at hand, we endeavor to create a customized comprehensive wealth management plan. We rely on our Team's own professional experience in addition to the highly respected and credentialed professionals within Raymond James who support our Team.

Once we have developed "The Plan", the next step is implementation of solutions to meet needs identified in the planning process. This may include insurance planning, estate planning, business succession planning, investment planning to name a few that require constant monitoring and review. In short, Padawer Bratton Wealth Management serves as your "Chief Financial Officer". We serve and report to you, "Chairman" of your financial enterprise to help you and your family achieve your specific goals and dreams.

As in any business, there are limited resources available, so in order to provide the finest possible service and experience for our clients, we limit our clientèle to those whom we feel will benefit from our highly disciplined approach. As a result, our clientèle typically includes business owners, corporate executives, professionals, retirees and their families, whom have amassed a degree of wealth that when matched with our Team and our Firm seemed to be perfectly paired.

Our clients know how much we value one of the world's most precious commodities: TIME. We understand how most clients do not have enough of it, so we do our utmost to work as efficiently as possible when working through the entire planning process.

A significant component to the process is investment planning. With regard to this, our first priority is to avoid 3 significant risk factors to the success of your investment plan:

  • Improper structuring of asset allocation - not reflective of your current situation, feelings, future, and family dynamic.
  • Failure to monitor and maintain the desired asset allocation
    • Asset Allocation management is not a static process, but is, in fact, an ever-evolving ongoing process
    • Re-balance when the market drives sectors, styles, or major components out of balance. There are 2 criteria for the re-balancing process:
        • Identify when to re-balance
        • Implement it
    • Reallocate when the client's current situation, feelings, future and family dynamics change
  • Correlations of Investments, Funds, and Managers
    • Each Investment, Fund and Manager must stand alone as being excellent and have an outstanding track record
    • Each Investment, Fund and Manager must interrelate appropriately with the other Investments, Funds and Managers with:
      • No excessive overlap
      • No excessive conflicts
    • Include checks and balances (Alternative Investments)

This process includes use of the "Efficient Frontier" methodology pioneered by Dr. Harry Markowitz and his team at the University of Chicago. This Methodology, which won the Nobel Prize for Economics, helps us create a custom asset allocation model for each client that is constantly monitored and updated according to "personal" changes, as well as changes in the "investment world".

There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk and investors may incur a profit or a loss. Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.