Investors rely upon me to help them manage their investment portfolios. Ideally, the client and I work together, as a team, finding suitable investments and making informed decisions designed to help meet their needs. The following are some keys to developing a partnership that may provide the a quality combination of service and long-term outcome:

Review your objectives

I will help define your investment objectives, but I need your assistance to do a thorough job. Your participation and feedback will greatly aid me in formulating an investment strategy designed to correspond with your goals.

Ask questions

Be sure you fully understand the investments I recommend for your portfolio. If you don't, it's your responsibility to let me know you need more information. Don't be afraid to ask questions about my advice, after all, it's your money.

Understand the risks

It's important that you fully understand the risks in every investment you own and the reasons why the value may rise or fall. I can explain the risks involved in each type of investment and your questions can help ensure that nothing is overlooked.

Meet regularly

Scheduled meetings with me are a good time to let me know about significant changes in your life that might require shifts in your investment strategy. Also, major changes in the economy or new tax laws may prompt a review.

Maintain records

Make sure you keep good records of your transactions. These records help to manage your investments and will be useful come tax time. When you come across something you don't understand, ask me for assistance.

Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of these keys.