We offer a team approach to financial planning, offering you a broader scope of expertise than you will likely find in any one person. Clients are our main priority, which is why we work to understand your unique circumstances and ultimately create a distinctive plan that provides a roadmap for your financial journey.

Ray Behavioral Wealth focuses on wealth accumulation, growth and preservation, along with estate planning.

If you distill to its essence what we do in our practice, we help address the three cornerstone issues that all individuals and families have regarding their wealth:

  • Will I make it?
  • What is the greatest financial risk to me and to my family?
  • Do I have any financial blind spots - is there anything I have overlooked?

We seek to accomplish this by employing a three step process:

  • We review your financial history, your current financial structure, your tolerance for - and definition of risk, and your future goals.
  • After evaluating your financial posture, we present a written diagnosis and prognosis.
  • To the extent needed, we recommend a plan that seeks to ensure that what must happen to achieve your goals - does - for you and your family.