Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi The Office Dog Chief Stress Manager

Welcome Obi-Wan Kenobi, or "Obi" for short, to our team! Obi is a tiny Australian Labradoodle with a big heart. He was born on May 4th, fitting for his Star Wars-themed name. He's the smallest one from his litter but don't let his size fool you; he's full of life and energy.

We also want to give a nod to Snoopy, our first office dog, who's now enjoying retirement after many years of making our office a brighter place. Obi is stepping into some big paw prints, and he's doing it with style.

Obi brings joy and laughter to us and our office every day. Whether he's racing around the dog park, watching for delivery people at the office, or joining us on business trips, he's always up for the adventure. His favorite trick is to wiggle on the floor like a flat Stanley when he's excited, which always makes us laugh.

Obi's presence in our office is a constant reminder for us of the importance of happiness, living in the moment and adventure in our lives. He might be small, but he makes a big impact on everyone he meets.