Introducing Biblically Responsible Investing

Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) is investing that can be more than just returns. It’s possible for your investments to reflect and promote the Biblical values that you stand on. Just like your mission, BRI seeks to engage in companies that promote Christian values.

High-quality companies tend to be good stewards of investor’s money. It isn’t just about making a profit, but about how the profit is earned.

How Do We Do This?

BRI removes companies that oppose your Biblical missions and invests in companies that mirror your values.

Working With Us

While every situation has unique circumstances, below is what you can expect the process of working with us to look like.

Contact us to discuss your specific situation and how investing with biblical values can be the cornerstone of your financial plan, 920.272.2273.

Incorporating biblically responsible investing criteria into the investment selection process may result in investment performance deviating from other investment strategies or broad market benchmarks.

Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of the strategy. Investors should consult their investment professional prior to making an investment decision.