1. Get to know you, your family and your financial situation.
  2. Discuss, formalize and prioritize your goals.
  3. Be honest with you.
  4. Care about you, and care more about your money than anyone who doesn’t share your last name.
  5. Save you time.
  6. Speak clearly and understandably.
  7. Help you think about areas of your financial life you may not have considered.
  8. Offer unbiased financial advice.
  9. Talk about the different risks of investments, to understand what investments are appropriate for you and which ones are not.
  10. Simplify your financial lives by organizing and keep up-to-date all of your financial documents.
  11. Develop and track a customized and comprehensive financial plan for your family.
  12. Recommend a proper asset allocation to achieve the best rate of return that aligns with your risk tolerance and family goals.
  13. Build a cost-effective way to implement our investment recommendation.
  14. Position your different investments to take full advantage of tax benefits of different account types.
  15. Develop and monitor a strategy for debt reduction.
  16. Make sure your money is accessible and liquid.
  17. Suggest creative alternatives that could meet your goals that you may not have considered.
  18. Review and recommend life insurance policies to protect your family.
  19. Discuss the risk of Long Term Care costs and help you decide the best way to prepare for it.
  20. Proactively keep in touch with you.
  21. Be a knowledgeable sounding board for financial questions or ideas.
  22. Help you avoid common financial and investment mistakes.
  23. Monitor changes in your life and family situation.
  24. Keep you and your plan on track.
  25. Strive to provide much more value than you will ever pay in our fees.
  1. Review your accounts for year-end financial planning needs.
  2. Record and research your cost basis.
  3. Monitor the markets and your investments to determine portfolio needs and adjustments.
  4. Help you access your account information and statements in the method that suits you best, online or good old-fashioned paper.
  5. Share the experience of other clients who have faced circumstances similar to yours.
  6. Follow the markets and your investments, which should reduce your stress and worry.
  7. Help you understand the difference between investment income and total return.
  8. Reassure and educate you on investing through tough times.
  9. Provide reminders and education around key financial planning milestones.
  10. Review your investments in your company 401(k), 403(b) plans or other retirement plans.
  11. Help you turn your retirement assets into retirement income.
  12. Work with you to build a distribution plan.
  13. Offer guidance on social security strategies.
  14. Guide you on the best order and timing of taking income from different account types, including monitoring your Required Minimum Distributions.
  15. Give you tools and ideas to educate your children and grandchildren about personal finance.
  16. Discuss your estate plans.
  17. Ensure beneficiaries are properly set up.
  18. Help with the continuity of your family’s financial plan through generations.
  19. Notarize documents for you.
  20. Translate and explain financial news and why it does or does not matter to you.
  21. Work with your tax and legal advisors to help you meet your financial goals.
  22. Provide introductions to other professionals, such as accountants, attorneys, real estate agents, and mortgage professionals.
  23. Work with your CPA to help minimize the taxes on your investments.
  24. Connect you to valuable resources.
  25. Follow through on what we say we will do.