Chuck Gillingham
Chuck Gillingham, AIF®, WMS®, CRPC®, AAMSSM Senior Vice President Wealth Management | Private Wealth Advisor

The cornerstone of Chuck’s career centers on staying true to his values of helping people realize their dreams, giving back to his community, and being a great father and friend to many. With his father dying when Chuck was just 6 years old, and his mother never remarrying, he had a lifelong goal of having a close knit family and there is no greater goal to him.

From humble beginnings in a small farming town in Ohio, Chuck worked very hard to help his ailing single mother and was raised by an Irish grandmother who emphasized living by the “golden rule”– treating others as one wants to be treated. She motivated him to learn as much as possible about the way all things work through reading and asking questions, then seeking the answers on his own. His family and friends have always been the fabric of his life’s mission – to build a reputation as someone reliable and caring. Growing up, Chuck was a natural athlete and would try any sport but excelled at baseball and basketball; later in life, it was golf.

In keeping his promise to stay close with his family and friends, he chose to attend Kent State University, which allowed him to be near to home.

After college, Chuck moved to Florida and met and married the woman of his dreams, Jill. Together they have raised two amazing daughters, Molly and Carly. When his grandfather passed away, he moved his mother and grandmother to Florida so he could care for them while raising his own family.

Chuck has built a career that spans over 30 years and has weathered the storm of many shifts in the markets, economy and global changes. Through it all he has maintained a core belief in communicating to his clients in a thorough, caring and understandable tone. Chuck is grateful for all of the wonderful experiences and relationships he has formed along the way.

He is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary®, Private Wealth Advisor®, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor®, Wealth Management Specialist®, Accredited Asset Management Specialist® and holds Series 7, 63, 65 and life, variable annuities and health insurance licenses. In addition to his family and friends, his faith and his passion for helping guide clients is what drives him, along with his belief that his grandmother would be proud of his promise to uphold living by the golden rule. In his free time, Chuck enjoys spending time with his family, being a grandpa to his new granddaughter, Willa, woodworking in his shop, golfing and ski trips with family and friends.

Q & A: Personally Speaking

  • Q. What is your favorite kind of trip? Why?
  • A. An extended trip with my entire family to another country, but outside big cities. Acquiring memories, rather than “things” is significantly more important to me and my family.
  • Q. What are your must-have travel items?
  • A. Hiking shoes, comfortable clothing and golf clubs.
  • Q. How do you spend your time outside of the office?
  • A. I spend time with my family and friends, either golfing or traveling. I also enjoy woodworking and home projects.
  • Q. If you weren’t doing what you do today, what other job would you have?
  • A. I would either be an architect or surgeon.
  • Q. What’s the one thing that might surprise others about you?
  • A. People might be surprised that I love solitude and quiet since I am considered extremely talkative and outgoing.
  • Q. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  • A. A week in Scotland playing golf.
  • Q. What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?
  • A. My family or my golf clubs.
  • Q. How do you define success?
  • A. Success to me is seeking and finding a purpose-driven life and having a high amount of people (especially family and friends) that say their lives were better and more advanced because of the relationships I have created.