Preparing thoroughly for each Stage of Retirement

At a time when “retirement confidence” is at an all-time low, financial planning in general and retirement planning in particular are more than prudent – they’re essential. In order to help you do that planning as thoroughly as possible, we follow a comprehensive, step-by-step process designed to help our team develop a true sense of who you are and what you expect, so that we can build a unique strategy to see you through the saving, growth and careful distribution of your retirement income.


In this step, we focus on getting to know you and your expectations. We’ll use a variety of tools, including questionnaires and interviews, to build an understanding of your personal goals, current financial situation, investment experience and risk tolerance. We’ll also make you fully aware of our capabilities and provide educational support to assist you in understanding the scope of services we offer to help you meet your objectives.


Next, our team will analyze the information you’ve shared with us and design solutions intended to help you reach your objectives. This step may involve collaboration with other specialists or your existing professionals. We present our recommendations to you, answer your questions, consider alternatives and outline the steps we need to take to implement your plan.


With your approval, we will execute your customized strategy using the extensive tools available to us through Raymond James. This involves the selection of specific account types, investment products and optional services, and the completion of all necessary paperwork.


Once implemented, we will continuously monitor the progress of our recommendations relative to your defined objectives and suggest changes where needed. We will also help you address your reactions to significant personal changes or market shifts. Human behavior can be one of the biggest obstacles to the long-term success of a plan, so we will take care to help you act sensibly and avoid decisions based on excitement or fear.