Personalized planning for your financial goals

About our move

Our business has always been about personalized wealth management designed to help you pursue your goals – and that will never change. That’s why we’re pleased to announce our affiliation with Raymond James. It enables us to maintain our independence and our objective approach to serving our clients as we see fit.

Your financial goals, aspirations and investment needs are just that – yours. And your financial plan should reflect that. So rather than ask you to settle for an off-the-shelf investment program, we’re here to provide you with personalized financial planning based on your goals, your time frame and your particular tolerance for risk.

We can help provide you with just the right combination of financial services, support and guidance that make the most sense for you. We’ll also be there to help you each step of the way in the pursuit of your personal financial goals.


Being here and knowing you enable us to be a trusted partner you can count on. You know the reasons you’re working so hard. We want to know them as well – and help you plan for all you want to achieve.

The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application.
Miguel de Cervantes