• Ashley Parks

    Financial Advisor

    Client Service Manager

As a Financial Advisor, Ashley supports the work of Suzie and Dave in managing client portfolios and meeting with clients. Ashley began her career in finance in 2019 when she joined Suzie and Dave at Willow Creek Capital Management following a 20-year career in education. Her focus in on portfolio management, retirement planning, and preparing for the expenses of college. She currently holds the following FINRA exams; 7, 66, 9, and 10. Ashley graduated with an MA from Stanford University and an MEd from the University of Montana. Her BA is in French and Anthropology from Skidmore College in upstate New York.

Ashley and her husband have two daughters who attend elementary and middle school in Missoula. They can often be found at events in downtown Missoula. As a family, they enjoy skiing, spending time in the outdoors of Montana, traveling, and cooking. Ashley also plays ice hockey in the Missoula adult league and loves to read. She volunteers her time coaching her daughter’s soccer team. Their household includes two cats, six chickens, a pair of goldfish, and two rats.