Covering all the bases for pro baseball players

While pro baseball players are rewarded for their gifted athleticism, they also face unique challenges. While most people have careers that span 30 or 40 years, the timeline for professional baseball players is much more compact. Their season only lasts six to eight months of the year, creating income gaps during the off-season. Furthermore, receiving a sudden influx of wealth at a relatively young age can be a temptation to spend recklessly without regard for the future.

Extra care must be given to help ensure that your earnings are well invested during lucrative times so that assets will be available later in life when needed. You may have “what ifs” in the back of your mind because you are never sure if you will be sidelined by injury or your pro career will end.

We have the perspective and insight on how to effectively address your goals, allowing us to keep up with your financial needs during your time-pressed playing careers, while strategically and proactively planning for your post-playing days.

In addition to financial planning, we can help you with other essential matters such as budgeting and cash flow management, bill paying, tax planning, risk analysis and management, and even buying a second home or financially helping your family members. We can also help evaluate business opportunities presented to you and manage income from endorsements or promotional appearances.

Our team can collaborate with your agent and other professional advisors, such as your CPA or attorney, to ensure every detail of your life is addressed.