Steven Cann Bio Image

Steven Cann,

MS, MPAS™, CFP® Vice President, Wealth Management Dedicated, Focused, Prudent

As a kid, I had a solid answer when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said “retired”.

I was bitten by the retirement bug at a very early age. You see, my grandparents were part of the post-war migration of retirees to Sarasota, Florida around 1970. From my childhood home in Orlando, to me their retirement community was more magical than any local theme park. This was the Greatest Generation, yet they humbly welcomed me to holiday cookouts, pancake breakfasts and my favorite – shuffleboard tournaments. I embraced their sense of patriotism, citizenship and service, and when I grew up I wanted to be like them.

Back in those days, retirement planning was simple. Most had pensions, and few lived past 75. In contrast, today’s retirees confront an array of complex decisions, sometimes with little clear guidance. The best part of my job is helping clients cut through the noise to find comfort, freedom and liberation that the financial planning process can provide – so they can get back to grandkids, travel, volunteering and shuffleboard – well, today it’s pickleball.

I look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.

  • My first concert was a performance by surviving members of the Glenn Miller Orchestra at my grandparents’ local VFW.
  • If I couldn’t be a financial planner, I’d be: a National Parks ranger
  • Favorite bedtime: before 9:30pm

Steve joined the financial services industry in 2006, after 10 years’ active duty as a C-17 pilot in the United States Air Force. He holds a Master of Science in personal financial planning, the Master Planner Advanced StudiesTM designation, and is a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner.

Steve and his wife Beth raised 2 boys in Destin, Florida.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the United States, which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements.