Conservative, pragmatic and proud of the way we do business

Services for Community Mental Health Organizations

As a fiduciary, you seek to continue the success of your business while fostering a professional culture that both attracts and retains quality employees. Selecting and implementing the right retirement plan can go a long way in helping you achieve those objectives. Our team extends the capabilities and bandwidth of your management team to administer and manage retirement plans that support the needs of both your institution and workforce.

Provided by the advisors at Hemenway Wealth Management

  • Dedicated Team of Professionals with extensive experience with Community Mental Health retirement plans.
  • We provide Fiduciary Services for the plan
  • Educate Plan Sponsor on Social Security opt out plans and navigating the complexities of these plans
  • Assist Plan Sponsor on Money Purchase Pension plan/401a component of benefits package structure
  • Educate Plan Sponsor on Deferred comp/ 457b component of benefits package structure
  • We conduct provider analysis and research as needed, assist in drafting IPS, and provide investment option analysis.
  • Assist with fee benchmarking
  • Provider search, analysis and selection. We can assist you in creating a comprehensive plan investment offering that is transparent and custom.
  • Leadership training and employee education to provide employees with resources to learn more about their plan options.