Planning for a long, fulfilling life

Planning for a long, fulfilling life

Living in Retirement

Say you’re in your late 60s and already enjoying your retirement years. However, funds are beginning to get a little tight for you and your spouse, and if you overextend yourselves, running out of money might not be entirely outside the realm of possibility.


The first thing we’d consider is your expenses, evaluating both needs and wants, and looking for opportunities to reduce spending. Then, our team would review your current financial situation, analyzing your current income, assets, and age to help calculate a sustainable withdrawal rate. We’d also assess your existing portfolio and make our recommendations for how it might be restructured.

Preserving the Future

Say you are in your 70s. Your assets are generating ample income, and your focus is now shifting to preservation, specifically to preserving principal for your family.


We’d begin by analyzing your portfolio, looking for ways to maintain necessary income while also reducing risk within the portfolio holdings. Potential strategies would involve rebalancing and repositioning to reflect less volatile investment holdings – bonds, blue-chip stocks, and insurance products – while still meeting your income requirements.


This is a hypothetical example for illustration purposes only. Actual investor results will vary.       

Learn about longevity resources available to you.

In addition to the financial implications, retirement has life implications. Our knowledgeable and experienced team can help you sort through the possibilities and offer financial advice designed to guide you up to and through the retirement you’ve envisioned.

Ask yourself these key retirement questions: