Retirement Planning Message"Most people do not realize they may be retired for as long a period as they worked."

This could be the most challenging investment environment in several decades. The economic downturn, coupled with uncertainty about the future, makes it very difficult for individual investors to avoid risk and discover opportunities.

There’s good news too. We will live longer than perhaps we thought we would. Most people do not realize they may be retired for as long a period as they worked. This fact means that retirement planning is a process that will require periodic meetings, goal setting and tweaking over time.

Teed Capital Management helps people put into place the overall plan and the necessary action steps to invest now and into the retirement years. Mark works with his clients to develop realistic expectations of what to anticipate for income from all sources during retirement. His initial task is to help them to weave together a plan that makes sense based on the following:

  • Their individual risk tolerance level
  • The amount of assets available to invest
  • Their own investment experience

Mark also has access to financial planning technology that provides investors with an accurate snapshot of where they are now and offers recommendations and an action plan for the future.


We understand that there should be no compromise when it comes to your financial future. That’s why we work diligently to serve as the ultimate steward for your wealth, simplifying life’s complexities with a full spectrum of strategies for a tailored plan that we believe is the only one you’ll ever need.

No matter what stage of life you’re in, we can help you pursue independence, freedom and the things that matter most to you. Your journey begins now. Let us help get you on your way.

When it comes to your financial future, the most important factor in your favor is your age. We take advantage of the time you have, regularly contributing to tax-advantaged retirement accounts and potentially boosting savings with matching funds offered by your employer.

Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation.