We assist attorneys, addressing the challenges that you face during your career, while addressing the specific needs that arise from your specialty area of law and structure of your practice (solo practitioner, associate, small firm partner, large firm partner, managing partner). Larger firms employ a CFO to coordinate all financial aspects of the practice. Successful attorneys do the same for their personal financial situation. That is what you can expect our Essential Partnership to do for you.

Inconsistent Cash Flow

You work hard for your clients. You win cases, but the lead time to prepare these cases is long. There is a lot of work to put in before you ever get to a trial or a settlement opportunity. How do you ensure that the fees you earn are structured in such a way that provides more consistent cash flow?

Growing Firm

Your firm has grown, becoming a recognized leader in your area of law. Demands on you are pulling you many different directions. Now it is not just about practicing law, but running an ever growing business. How do you provide the benefits that help you keep and attract quality support staff? Is there a way to structure a retirement plan that more of the money that you contribute from the firm goes to you, and not the young support staff?

Nearing Retirement

It has been a great career. But you are ready for a transition, spending more time with family and on your interests and hobbies. What does your ideal retirement look like? Will you work part time? Will you remain “of counsel” at your firm to smooth the transition to the new leadership? How is your buyout structured?

What is your exit strategy from the firm? Since it must be coordinated with your overall firm and personal objectives, ongoing reviews are vital to ensure that you are on track to reach your goals, and that your plan accounts for any changes in your firm or your life.

New Firm

You built up a great reputation, and you wanted more of the revenue from the billable hours that you dedicated for your clients. You have just opened your own firm. How do you continue to plan for and protect you and your family, while growing the business?

Time to Retire

You need to turn what you have been saving and investing into your monthly paycheck. What is the best way to do that? Are you getting monthly installments on your firm buy out, or was it a lump sum? How can you be sure that you will be able to live the life that you want in retirement, and still meet your desired goals regarding your legacy? Supporting your lifestyle, planning for your legacy, these are all important to you. What is the first step?

There are so many questions at each stage of your career and life. Knowing what is important to you is how we differentiate our exclusive personalized service from investment advice in a vacuum. Contact us to discuss how you can benefit from this level of service to accompany your independent investment advice.