Found Money

We recently had a client ask us about “unclaimed property.” She was told that her name was on a register somewhere, but she had no idea of how to go about finding it. Enter our superstar assistant, Sonja, and presto…the client now had a means to claim her property.

There is a website that I encourage you all to check out… – my own search revealed that my wife has some unclaimed property (as did some of my other family members) and there is an extremely simple process to begin claiming it.

Most of our clients have consolidated the majority of their investment funds with us over time…it does make one’s financial life simpler if funds are in one place (properly diversified and well-protected as far as FDIC limits on cash—some of our new programs insure cash up to $50 million and pay a very competitive rate). But sometimes things do fall through the proverbial cracks and this resource is a good place to check out and see if you have any “found money.”

-Gary Weiss, May 2023