Caring for your unique wealth needs

As a medical professional, you’ll need personal and professional financial guidance as you build and grow your career. You’ve worked hard to care for others, as have we. We understand your unique needs to protect against liabilities and other risks; preserve your assets from excessive taxes; mitigate the effects of healthcare cutbacks; manage education debt and, finally, achieve financial independence. You also have other priorities to save for – a home, a family, retirement – while facing healthcare reform, rising malpractice premiums and reduced insurance payouts. We understand the unique financial issues you face and why it’s more important than ever to make smart financial decisions now to prepare for the future.

We help by designing a wealth management plan that addresses every important aspect of your practice and personal life, including everything from funding your children’s college educations to having an estate plan. By collaborating with your tax and legal advisors, we can help you create family limited partnerships or asset-protection trusts, secure umbrella insurance coverage, and help you find solutions for dealing with managed care reimbursement cutbacks and rising practice expenses.

You can rely on us to provide customized guidance to manage and protect the wealth you’ve worked so hard for.

Our services include:

  • Risk management & insurance
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Debt management strategies
  • Smart borrowing options
  • Investment advice & education
  • Tax considerations
  • Practice management & business planning
  • Accelerated retirement planning
  • Estate, legacy & charitable planning