The Library

Deacon King Kong by James McBride: A beautifully written fictional account of a rough and tumble NYC neighborhood in the 1960’s. Terrific character development.

A Month in Siena by Hisham Matar: A quick read, but really captures the essence of one of my favorite places in the world. I can still taste Cacio e’ Pepe on the Campo.

Disney’s Land by Richard Snow: How Disneyland was built. A seemingly crazy vision somehow brought to fruition through sheer determination. Inspiring.

The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James: Not usually my favorite cup of tea, but pleasingly terrifying all the same. Hair on my arms stands up just thinking about this one.

The Pursuit of Art by Martin Gayford: Quite interesting if one is curious about the artistic mind.

The Vagabonds by Jeff Guinn: A story of the many road adventures of Edison, Firestone, and Ford. Automobiles and electricity, profound changes to the American landscape.

Memphis Rent Party by Robert Gordon: Wonderful collection of essays providing engaging tales of the many characters in Blues and Soul, who called Memphis, and surrounds, home. 

House of Secrets by Allison Levy: I very much enjoyed the history of the palazzo the author stayed in. Her romantic adventures seemed superfluous to the story. 

Magic is Dead by Ian Frisch: A look behind the scenes of magic today. More interesting than I feared. Just one more universe, running parallel to my own, that I knew nothing about.

The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix: Interesting premise, but in the end it seemed a tad contrived. Still, plenty of chilling moments if that’s your bag.

The Essays of Warren Buffett collected and arranged by Lawrence Cunningham: Timeless lessons about fundamental investing. Should be required high school reading. Fourth time I’ve read. 

The Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon: Perhaps it’s just how much I enjoyed a visit to Barcelona, but this mystery captures the essence of city, and its citizens, very well. I’ll have to read Mr. Zafon’s other efforts. Highly recommended.

Raymond James does not endorse the opinions or services of any authors/books mentioned.