• Jennifer A. Robinson

    Relationship Manager

    Registered Associate

Jennifer Robinson joined our team in 2020. She graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a B.S. in Accounting and worked in corporate finance and accounting for technology companies Motorola and Oracle.   As a team member for these global organizations, Jennifer had the opportunity to travel the world and learn about the inner workings of multinational corporations.   After taking a sabbatical from her career to raise her young family, she is looking forward to expanding her knowledge of the financial services industry from a client-based perspective.

Jenn's eagerness to learn led her to pursue licenses as a registered Financial Advisor.

In her spare time, Jennifer has a passion for interior design.  She has remodeled and redecorated eight homes in the past 20 years.  She also loves spending time with her family.  Jennifer, her husband, and their three children, enjoy traveling anywhere, eating ethnic food, and attending theatre and music events.

As a member of the team, Jennifer draws on her varied experience and attention to detail to provide clients with the high level of customer service that Boynton Financial Group always strives to deliver.