Ryan Moyer

Ryan A. Moyer

Senior Vice President, Investments

Ryan serves a wide range of clients, but he specializes in helping oil and gas landowners prudently invest the proceeds of their leases, royalty payments and pipeline rights, as well as ushering folks into retirement from the various plants in our region.

“I am dedicated to helping our clients pursue their goals in life, and assist them with all financial and wealth management matters that are essential to their financial well-being,” Ryan says.

As Mark Moyer’s son, it’s fair to say that Ryan had an excellent tutor in financial planning and wealth management. Ryan earned a Bachelor of Science in finance from St. John’s University and an MBA from Franklin University. He joined our team in 2008 and transitioned to Raymond James with us in 2022.

Extremely active in the community, Ryan serves in numerous capacities for various charitable organizations. He is a founding member of the Knights Foundation Legacy Fund and the Monroe County Community Foundation. He is a former board member of the Zanesville Country Club and active member of the Knights of Columbus Council 505 in Zanesville. Ryan also recently completed his tenure as president of the Catholic Schools of Zanesville.

Ryan lives in Zanesville with his three children. He has a variety of interests to keep him occupied in his free time. Family comes first for Ryan, and he knows that the same is true for many of his clients. He also loves golf, the Cleveland Browns and all things Ohio State and West Virginia.