We believe in being candid. 

So here it goes: We’re not creatures of conformity. We’re finance people but, contrary to popular belief, we’re not really the “suit and tie” types. We’re more the “get scuffed up on the lacrosse field,” “cooking up a storm,” “Iron Man training,” “photo taking,” “kayaking at sunrise” types. And while we’re at it, we don’t believe there’s one right way to plan your finances. In fact, we have many knowledgeable, passionate perspectives that are constantly working to provide the best possible advice and education for your unique circumstances.

We’re not afraid to have the tough conversations. After all, diamonds are created under pressure. It’s through those tough conversations that meaningful relationships are built and breakthroughs are had. We’ll simplify the hard-to-understand stuff, continuously seek out new knowledge ourselves, and innovate upon the practices we’ve built. Simply, we want to see you achieve your goals – financial and personal.

And while we’re being candid, here’s what we love:

  • Seeing photos of your child’s college graduation after we spent the last 18 years planning for it
  • Picking out a housewarming gift for your first owned home
  • Not being able to catch you on the phone because you’re too busy enjoying retirement

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the United States, which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements.

Investments & Wealth Institute™ (The Institute) is the owner of the certification marks “CPWA®,” and “Certified Private Wealth Advisor®.” Use of CPWA®, and/or Certified Private Wealth Advisor® signifies that the user has successfully completed The Institute’s initial and ongoing credentialing requirements for wealth advisors.

Our Story

Changing the script
Marty Diamond has always been on a mission to serve others. But before he was guiding people toward planning for a successful future, he was helping others find the right furniture for their homes. After a string of humble jobs, Marty knew he wanted his next move to make a difference. He admired the life his father-in-law had created helping others as a stockbroker, and decided to join in 1983, but only on his own terms.

In a world of stockbrokers, Marty wanted to be different – he knew that he could work with people to build more with their money. While those around him were trying to sell products to a stranger, Marty decided to change the script. He learned the challenges, needs, values and objectives of the person on the other end of the line and invited them in to have a conversation rather than a transaction; building strong relationships rather than just focusing on the investments. Marty was ahead of the curve with financial planning by helping people prepare for life’s challenges more than 20 years before the industry would move in that direction. Those strong relationships turned into long relationships, and Diamond Private Wealth Partners still has some clients back from Marty’s first year in business.

Diamond Private Wealth Partners

Over the years, Diamond Private Wealth Partners has grown with similarly like-minded people who embody the virtues of authenticity, trust and integrity. They continue to set themselves apart from the “Wolves of Wall Street” by remaining ahead of the pack with cutting-edge solutions and passion for improving the lives of others.

At Diamond Private Wealth Partners, we collaborate, innovate and, well, sometimes debate in order to constantly improve upon the bespoke services we provide to our clients. We’re confident in what we do and take our process seriously, even if we don’t take ourselves seriously all the time. We focus on planning for the individual first and foremost, and the investments come second.

Each client is rare and special, so we craft each aspect of your plan to fit your own unique circumstances and goals. But we go beyond the plan. When you sign on as our client, you're really signing on to be a part of the family. We’ve researched cars that would fit in a client’s garage. We’ve driven clients to doctor appointments and surgeries. We’ve gotten up at the crack of dawn with five laptops on hand to book COVID-19 vaccination appointments. We’ve attended college graduations, weddings, anniversary parties and christenings. We’ve also stood by in the tough times, being at the side of a hospital bed and sitting alongside loved ones at funerals. Putting it simply, we care. And we want to make sure that our clients are as great a fit for us as we are for them. When it comes down to it, we want to connect with like-minded individuals: those who are unapologetically themselves, those who have a thirst for life, a love for their family, and a feeling that they’ve barely scratched the surface of all they want to achieve.

We want to be your partners in creating the vision of what success looks like to you, and then work tirelessly to make it happen. Life can be messy and personal finances can be confusing, but that’s where we can help. We provide the candid guidance, compelling education, and innovative solutions so you can tackle life's challenges and reach the brilliant life you envision. After all, a diamond doesn’t start out shining and polished, but we can help get you there.