April 2024

Even though we are only a couple of weeks into spring; here in Michigan, it feels like we have had spring for most of this year so far. Flowers and trees have started to bloom and bud early with the mild temperatures and winter we have experienced.

Spring is often associated with cleaning up, cleaning out, and getting everything in order. At our house, we clean out items that we take to Goodwill or other thrift stores. My husband, Roger, works on cleaning out the garage and cleaning up the yard. When our taxes are finished, I clean out old statements and get rid of old and outdated documents (past the 7-year IRS recommended holding time, of course).

What do you clean up or clean out? Do you have old documents you should shred? If you don’t have a shredder, we are happy to help with shredding your old documents in our office. What else do you need to spring clean?

For your investments, we find that now is also a good time to examine where all your financial accounts are held. Spring cleaning can also include considering whether it would be appropriate to consolidate your investments under one umbrella. While this might at first seem like a daunting task, we are here to help and make that process as easy and seamless as possible. The importance of doing this is multifaceted. It helps us see your total financial picture, it helps you know where everything is and who to talk with about it. It is also great for planning down the road.

Our experience has shown us that with everything organized in one spot, plans are a little easier to make as life slows down for you, as well as simpler for your heirs to settle your affairs after you are gone. Your annual meeting with us will be coming up, so be sure to discuss all of the available options with us. Bringing along statements from former employer retirement plans and other investment accounts helps us to see the big financial picture and advise you on the next best steps for you.

April is also National Financial Literacy month, so this is the perfect time to make sure that together we have a good understanding of your financial picture. If we have already had your annual meeting – it’s not too late for us to look at what else, you may need to consolidate. Just give us a call or send us an email with your statement; we are here to help!

April 4th is also National Burrito Day. Completely unrelated to your finances, but I just thought I’d throw that out there so you can celebrate as you see fit. Enjoy!

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