December 2021

Over the course of this last year, I have engaged with many people who have experienced loss due to death, disagreement, divorce or other reasons. As the holiday season roars on, I am reminded that for some of us, this season is filled with warm and wonderful memories. The holidays embrace us as we step forward with good tidings and cheer. For others, the holidays can be a difficult time, where memories have been infused with sadness, grief or disappointment. 

I always cherished the holidays from growing up to being a grown up, but there have also been times when things changed. I had to start spending part of my holidays alone, without my son, and it was difficult and lonely. How can you be surrounded by all the joy of the season and at the same time feel so glum?

My point is, we all have different feelings surrounding this season, and what we do with them is what makes the difference. When I was faced with gloomy holidays, I had a choice to sit in that moment or I had a choice to make a change. While it was not always the easy thing to do, I chose to make new memories and new traditions. In fact, a new tradition I made was donating blood on Christmas Eve. It is still a tradition I employ today! I decided not to allow my circumstances to dictate how I should feel. It wasn’t easy, but over time I was able to focus on the positive and accept (not like) the changes that happened.

Tell me, are you a picture taker? Pictures are keepsakes and memories frozen in time and I have never heard of anyone taking pictures during a sad or unhappy time. So, if you are a picture taker, pull them out, take a look and remember the good times. It might not feel like it right now, but the good times did exist.

Now, if the holidays are 100% your thing – carry on and spread good cheer to everyone you meet! Party with the best of them and enjoy every moment. We expect to see your car decorated like a sleigh and your Santa hat on your head.

Regardless of which camp you are in, we at Kindred Financial Partners wish you a Happy Holiday season and Prosperous New Year!

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