May 2023

My aunt just passed away very suddenly. In December, she was diagnosed with an inoperable glioblastoma, which is a cancerous brain tumor. She wanted treatment…for a while. The life expectancy is typically three months without treatment and 12 months with it. She lasted almost 5 months from her diagnosis. She was young, only in her early 70s. If you ever met her, she would have loved you as if you had been sisters. She was one of the most interesting, kind, and gentle hearted people I have ever known, and at the same time was a black belt in karate and knew how to take care of and handle herself.

My heart will be very sad knowing she is gone from this world and my uncle is living without his life partner. So many of us have experienced the loss of a partner, or a close loved one. We move on, but we don’t forget. We continue to live, but something is missing. We think we can plan for everything but sometimes life brings unexpected surprises, both good and bad.

While this is a sad moment, I will always remember my aunt as someone who loved life and lived every moment the best she knew how. She was one of those people who would want us to celebrate who she was and not feel badly that she is gone.

Each moment that we are here, we have choices to make. While our investments and our money are an important part of life, it is not the entirety of who we are and what makes life important. It is our friends, our family, our partners, our pets. It is our community and how we choose to belong in it that makes life lovely. It is music to my ears when I hear about all the wonderful things that you are involved in, whether it be your family or your community. Giving back in whatever way you can and whatever gives you joy, also fulfills your purpose in life.

While March is a month to celebrate women worldwide. May is the month of women and mothers. Whether you are a woman who birthed children, or a woman who was an encouraging loving mentor or role model to others, you have made a significant difference in the life of another. That difference and love that you gave is something to be recognized and celebrated. Too often women overlook their contributions to others. I am here to thank you, congratulate you and encourage you to keep it up.

Someone needs to hear the wisdom you wish to share or feel the love you have to give. You are needed so keep it up!

Happy Mother’s Day and Happy May!

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