One of the most popular giving options
You have a desire to turn your compassion and empathy into action. You hold deep and personal connections with causes close to your heart. You possess a passion to make a difference.
A donor advised fund (DAF) through Raymond James Charitable empowers you to donate to your favorite charities and receive immediate tax benefits and deductions, all with less expense and setup than a private foundation. With as little as $10,000, you can establish a donor advised fund and list your heirs as successors, enabling your family to continue a noble legacy of giving.
With our support, we help establish an agreement between you and Raymond James charitable, giving you the opportunity to personally guide how your generous charitable contributions are put to use. You’ll be asked to advise in four areas: How the money is invested within the options offered by the fund, which charities will ultimately receive grants from the fund, how much will be given to each charity, and who will make these decisions instead of, or as a successor, to you.
A donor advised fund offers numerous advantages that make giving more rewarding. Your contributions are invested, and growth is tax-free. There's no need to worry about meeting a minimum annual distribution requirement. On top of that, there's no capital gains tax when gifting long-term appreciated, and you receive an immediate tax deduction for the full market value of the gift for most assets. If there’s any deduction left over in a given year, you can carry it forward and use it for up to five more years. In addition, there are no disruptive excise taxes and assets donated don’t factor in as part of your estate value.
We’re here to work in collaboration with your legal and tax professionals to find a charitable solution that’s shaped to match your vision.
Please note that all contributions to a DAF are irrevocable gifts.
A $10,000 minimum contribution is required to open a DAF, and the minimum additional contribution into your DAF (after its initial setup) is $500. There are administrative fees on all DAFs and investment management fees on DAFs with active management. There are no annual requirements to contribute into or grant out of your DAF. The minimum amount to grant to charity out of your DAF is $100. Grants generally take three to 10 business days to process, as each charity is reviewed for approval according to IRS requirements for DAF distributions.
Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.