• Lorena Davila Poling

    Administrative Director

Lorena was born and raised in Guadalajara, Mexico, and is fluent in both English and Spanish. She graduated from ITESO University with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a marketing specialty. Lorena’s primary focus is business development, servicing client accounts, implementing compliance requirements, implementing policies and procedures, client support, account transfers, and practice management.

She really enjoys working in her administrative role and believes that attention to people is essential.

Lorena never thought about leaving Mexico. Then she met Gary, and two years later she moved to Colorado in October of 2001, after marrying him in her home town. She became a US citizen in June, 2007 and she thinks that she is lucky to have the opportunity to be a part of two wonderful cultures.

Her parents taught her to appreciate everything in life and that everyone has a commitment to give back. “We can never give enough, but we’ll always do as much as we can” she says, which is why she and her husband Gary are working together supporting several non-profit organizations.

Her Father is a Doctor and her Mother has been involved in their family’s finances since they started their business. Lorena has one brother Jaime who is a Doctor as well, and three sisters. Linda and Karina work in the family business in Guadalajara. Ivette is married to Jon and they live in Texas.

Lorena really enjoys meeting people and learning from them, loves music, travel, dance and practices ballet, too.