August 2022

I read an article recently that talked about all the things we, as people, enjoy doing in life. The irony is that there are simple things in life that bring us joy, but we don’t seek them out. We often get caught up in our day-to-day routines and forget about these simple pleasures

You may have heard that the stock market has had a rough first half of the year. In addition, the bond is also having a rough year. While declines in the stock markets and bond markets are normal, there have been only two other years over the past 40 years where stocks and bonds have both been down, according to our Chief Investment Officer, Larry Adam. That was 1984 and 1994. We could sit here, make predictions, and give you facts and figures about what might or might not happen, but the truth is, we cannot control what the stock or bond markets do. We wish we could, but instead what we can do is plan for your needs and the road ahead. 

In this instance, rather than focusing on the negative let’s focus on those things that bring us joy. Let’s spend this month taking time out of the negative news, daily routines and hubbub of life, and treat ourselves to some simple pleasures. 

Here are some things that bring me joy:

  • Early morning walks or runs that allow me to enjoy the crisp air, quiet atmosphere and chirping birds
  • Fresh cut flowers
  • Drinking coffee on my sunporch
  • Eating ice cream on a hot summer day
  • Enjoying the star filled sky on a summer night with lightening bugs flashing around the yard
  • Reading a good book on a Sunday afternoon
  • Just relaxing, maybe doing nothing, and letting that be OK

So this month, I commit to taking a break from the hustle and bustle of life and just enjoying these small treasures in my downtime. 

What brings you joy? What are some things you are going to enjoy this month?

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