Our Approach

In keeping with the principles of value investing, our approach is distinctly different from that used by most other advisors. We view investment performance with a long-term perspective, not simply quarter to quarter or month to month. Our approach is characterized by discipline and an ability to monitor market trends without getting caught up in them. We consistently emphasize three critical components of wealth management:

Comprehensive planning

For individuals, families, businesses and institutions alike, we develop a comprehensive, objective financial plan tailored to your financial goals.

Asset allocation

One market authority suggests that more than 91% of portfolio performance depends on asset allocation.* We believe in a disciplined approach to this aspect of investing – an approach that maintains a consistent, steady course rather than fluctuating with every market shift.

Objective decision-making

We help our clients remove the element of emotion from investment decision-making, focusing instead on long-term goals and investment value.

Throughout the course of our relationships with clients, we maintain our focus on their specific needs, goals, risk tolerance, tax exposure, preferred time frames and other factors. Should any of these elements change over time, we can adjust the investment portfolio accordingly; on the other hand, we work extremely hard to avoid making reactive changes prompted by national or world events, market shifts, or media reports.

*Source: Brinson, Beebower & Associates, "Determinants of Portfolio Performance," 1986, updated 1991 and 1995.
Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.