From Boardroom to Beach: Helping to craft Your Dream Retirement Without Missing a Beat


Picture this: You've left the boardroom behind, and now your toughest decision is choosing between the golf course and the beach. Sounds like a dream? For those who've spent years in the fast lane, maintaining a high-flying lifestyle into retirement isn't just a hope—it's a must. But how do you ensure your savings keep pace with your dreams? Let's dive into helping to make your retirement as rewarding as your career.

Understanding Where Your Money Goes

The journey to a potential retirement starts with a look under the financial hood. Are you splurging on things that matter to you, or are you caught up in spending habits that don't bring you joy? Tools and advisors can help you track your spending, shedding light on where you can tweak and where you should double down. It's about helping to ensure your money is fueling your passions.

Budgeting Like a CEO

Think of your retirement budget as your business plan. It outlines how you'll finance the lifestyle you desire, from sipping fine wines in Tuscany to philanthropy. This plan doesn't mean cutting corners; it means spending smartly on what genuinely enriches your life and cutting out the fluff. It's about making strategic allocations and careful tax planning decisions —a skill you've honed over a successful career. We’ll talk more in our next blog post about personal spending plans (it can be a positive experience and we’ll help show you how).

Investing in Your Lifestyle

Your investment strategy should mirror your ambitions for retirement. Moving towards assets that not only appreciate but also generate income can turn your wealth into a workhorse that supports your lifestyle. Consulting with a financial expert can tailor your portfolio to help ensure it's as dynamic and successful as you are.


Retiring in style means aligning your financial strategies with your lifestyle goals. It's about making every dollar work as hard as you did to earn it. With smart planning, your retirement can be a seamless transition from the boardroom to any room—or beach—you choose. Let's talk about how to help make your retirement plan as ambitious and successful as your career has been.

Any opinions are those of VIP and not necessarily those of Raymond James. There is no guarantee that these statements, opinions, or forecasts provided in the attached article will prove to be correct. Individual results may vary. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including asset allocation and diversification. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.