What Is Investing Success?

Investing success means being able to tie the $$$ you have now to the expenses you will have in the future in such a way that you can do all the things you want to do.

  • Retirement
  • Kids through college
  • Passing on your estate to those you love
  • Whatever

And being able to do that depends entirely on how you behave when things get ugly, because they always do.

As advisors, our concern is invariably this: Will our clients be able to stay disciplined and not be tricked by media-stoked fear or market-timers when things get rough?

Stick with your investing plan. It's not going to be easy….never is. But that’s why it works. 

Nothing kills the long-term returns of a portfolio like throwing away the playbook in the heat of a temporary down cycle in the markets.

The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Raymond James & Associates or its affiliates. All opinions are subject to change without notice. Neither the information provided nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The investments listed may not be suitable for all investors. Raymond James & Associates recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a financial advisor. The appropriateness of a particular investment will depend upon an investor's individual circumstances and objectives.